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[ANSYS Meshing] Floating point error when meshing zones differently

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Old   November 10, 2023, 11:33
Red face Floating point error when meshing zones differently
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Join Date: Oct 2023
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Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on simulating gaseous oxidizer injection in a combustion chamber, and I'm facing an issue with mesh resolution around the circular injectors. To address this, I created cylinders originating from the injection area to mesh them separately (geometry Screenshot 2023-11-10 121544.jpg)
To achieve this, I utilized the slice body function in DesignModeler, dividing the body into four distinct parts: three injectors (cylinders) and the remaining combustion chamber. I then employed the Share Topology feature and grouped these four bodies into a single part.

However, I've encountered a problem during the FLUENT meshing process and setting up the simulation. A floating-point error arises, specifically as the residual associated with the injected gaseous species dramatically decreases after a certain number of iterations, leading to the error. Additionally, when employing hybrid initialization, I observe unusually low numbers (1e-16).

This issue seems to occur consistently whenever I attempt to mesh different zones of a body separately. I'm unsure if this is related to an error in the slice feature. I've also experimented with the freeze/unfreeze strategy during body creation, but unfortunately, it hasn't resolved the problem.

I appreciate any assistance or insights you can provide. If my explanation is unclear or if additional information is needed, please let me know.

Thank you.
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floating point, freeze, mesh zone, slice, unfreeze

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