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[DesignModeler] Rotation of a surface sketch in two directions

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Old   April 6, 2022, 12:42
Default Rotation of a surface sketch in two directions
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Join Date: Mar 2022
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I am trying to rotate some solar panels created from a surface sketch in two directions each time. One direction is the azimuthial angle (45 degrees) and the other one is a tilt rotation (45 degrees), both of them take place in the middle of the surface of each panel where the the tilt arm connects. For model simplicity the tilt arm is neglected.

I am performing rotation with Axis definition= Components where I input the coordinates of the middle point of each panel where the rotation should take place each time.

By doing the rotation this way I have to perform two rotations each time for each panel. First I rotate in respect to x- axis 45 degrees (FD6, X Component= 1, rest 0) and then I rotate in respect to z-axis 45 deg (FD8, Z Component =1, rest 0).

The problem is that I noticed that when I change the rotation sequence- first rotation in respect to z- axis and then second rotation in respect to x- axis I get different results. As you can see in the photo attached the first tracker from left to right has not been rotated yet, the second one is rotated first in respect to x- axis and then in respect to z- axis while the third one first in respect to z-axis and then in respect to x-axis.

Could someone help me understand why this occurs? I have to perform calculations in other rotational positions and I would like to have this correctly before moving on.

Thank you in advance
Attached Images
File Type: jpg panel_rotation.jpg (54.1 KB, 9 views)
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ansys, body transformation, design modeler, geometry, rotate

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