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[ANSYS Meshing] Wing leading edge curvature meshing problem

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Old   March 26, 2021, 16:52
Default Wing leading edge curvature meshing problem
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Join Date: Mar 2021
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Alexia166 is on a distinguished road
Hi, I am doing a project on simulating a wing with its winglet, and the meshing is resulting in sharp leading edge curvature as shown in the picture below:

The mesh settings are as follows:

1. Curvature is added (all set to default, including 18 degree curvature normal angle), Proximity is not selected.
2. Element size (main domain from global meshing): default (3.1957m)
3. Mapped face meshing selected as follows:

4. Face sizing (of wing surfaces): 0.05 m
5. Edge sizing (of wing leading edge): 0.05 m
6. Bidy sizing (of body of influence): 0.15 m
7. Inflation (of wing): first layer thickness (0.00183 m, 1.2 growth rate, 10 layers)

Main domain size: 28mx49mx35m, Body of influence size: 14mx28mx23m

(Ansys 2020R1 full version). I am also using the parallel meshing option.

I have gone through several tutorials and guides, yet I can't seem to find the solution for this problem, and for some reason, the mesh is not generating at all without the use of ' Face Mesh' on the wing. Using Topology to repair edges, the function also does not detect any edges, while 'close vertices' show many edges which need repair.

I would much appreciate any help and suggestion. Thanks in advance.
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Old   March 26, 2021, 16:57
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I tried edge sizing to the wing cross-sectional edges, which resolved the issue of sharp leading-edge, however, it gave me around 22 million elements and I don't have enough computational power to run the solution. Increasing the sizing functions is giving me the ' Floating Point Exception' error when I try to run the simulation. I tried another mesh combination (does not include inflation) which gave me the following mesh:

However, the face mesh in the tree outline became as follows:

which could be due to improper selection for the face mesh, however, I don't understand why in this case, the domain mesh near the leading edge of the wing followed the airfoil shape precisely, while when the 'face mesh' is successful (green check), it again results as following:

For some reason, my mesh is not generating at all without adding the 'Face Mesh' function, unless for the two cases as I described above. Anyway to solve this issue please?
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Old   April 21, 2021, 05:29
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kjetil is on a distinguished road
Do yo have enabled "capture curvature" in the mesh settings? Either you should have a larger minimum curvature size, or set a separate sizing for the edge itself.
Also, if this is axisymmetric you should use a swept mesh for the entire section.
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