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[ICEM] How to create multiple parts properly in ICEM-CFD?

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Old   March 4, 2021, 03:43
Default How to create multiple parts properly in ICEM-CFD?
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Hello guys, i have a problem about this topic. And firstly, i recommend you to look at these photos before i tell the issue.

So as you see, there are 9 parts (pic. Part's Dimensions) ı have to define. And in this forum, ı saw many ideas about this but i could not find a answer exactly. ı did everything on this project with your opinions and now ı am stuck.

The problem is still ı cannot define this parts as different 9 domains as ı want.

1.I blocked the entire volume and after then splitted from each part's corners. (pic. Blocking Edges)
2.Then, ı used points command in 'geometry section' to create volume for parts. (so you see the points on there, btw all of the points in center exactly where they have to be)
3.I used 'Add to part->Blocking Material, Add Blocks to Part' (pic. Blocking Material, Add Blocks to Part) for each points that ı create to define own block in Parts in Display Tree.
4.I activate the premesh (pic. Premesh) in Blocking in Display Tree. (It seems there is no problem but there is after that.)
5.So now, the problem begins. I uses index control via right click in Blocking in Display Tree. And ı decreased the some edges to know whether it is okay or not. (pic. Index) I came up against this view.
6.Thought there must not be problem about this and kept going to Pre-Mesh Params to divide the block properly. I achieved good mesh structure.
7.Fluent side is more complicated. Yes, ı had 9 domains as ı wanted, but ı had problem in terms of boundaries that is between domains. (pic. Fluent)(It should be rectangular, as you see there are some missing parts.)
8.I realized I might be see this in Premesh section (pic. Premesh) and thought it is about this.

(Btw, the mesh you saw is made simple because I want to tell understandably)

So, is there anyone to tell something that ı did wrong or to guide on the right way?

Part's Dimensions.JPG

Blocking Edges.JPG

Blocking Material, Add Blocks to Part.jpg



Last edited by ElGrande; March 4, 2021 at 09:08.
ElGrande is offline   Reply With Quote


icem-cfd, multiple parts

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