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[ANSYS Meshing] ANSYS Meshing is very slow

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Old   November 11, 2020, 12:06
Default ANSYS Meshing is very slow
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Join Date: Nov 2020
Location: Torino, Italy
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Hi everybody!

As I wrote in the title, I'm having some trouble with ANSYS meshing tool, which takes too long for generating mesh.

Here's the problem: my geometry is a 2d rapresentation of a pipe with a single hole orifice plate; because of the symmetry I'm simulating only half of the real geometry. To draw the geometry I used the ANSYS geometry tool.

For the mesh, I created a body sizing and two different edge sizing with quadrilateral dominant method and I started with "big" element size, which led to have a final number of cells more or less of 82 000.

After the simulation with this mesh I decided to refine the grid, making the element size the half of the initial one (both for body and edges sizing) and I noticed that the refinement required more or less one hour for every refining (which I made separately) and at end of the mesh generation I had 250 000 elements. What I saw is that the mesh status was stucked for long time at "converting triangle to quad..." at 70%; when reached 80% the process ended after 5-10 minutes.

Now I'm trying to refine again the mesh, by half of the previous size and the process is stucked at "converting triangle to quad..." at 70% since three hours (I'm refining always one sizing at time, so actually I didn't refine nothing at all). I attach an img of the meshing process.

I have to say that I have some trouble with internet connection, so sometimes ANSYS displays the error "no license available at this time hh:mm".

What could be the problem? Maybe the license not available due the poor internet connection?

These are the features of the computer I'm using:

-intel(R) Xeon(R) silver 4114 CPU@ 2.20 GHz 2.19 GHz (two processors);
-RAM 128 GB (128 GB available);
-Windows 10 64 bit.

I think this is all, if anything isn't clear or if I missed some important info please let me know.

Thank you in advance if you will help me and have a nice day!

PS: sorry for my english, I hope that what I wrote is clear enough; if not please let me know!

PPS: while I was writing this post the meshing status reached 80%, so you will see that percentage in the img.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg mesh_generation.jpg (83.7 KB, 26 views)

Last edited by r.d.; November 17, 2020 at 06:48. Reason: forgot info
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