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[ANSYS Meshing] High skewness cells on small edges

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Old   September 1, 2020, 14:05
Default High skewness cells on small edges
New Member
Ali Muslim Abdulmohsin Tukkee
Join Date: Sep 2020
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I'm modelling a vortex generator using ANSYS Fluent 16.2 and trying to generate my mesh with ANSYS ICEM. I've created my geometry with Autocad and my problem is that the geometry contains small edges at which highly skewed cells are generated, I've tried to refine my mesh and also tried edge sizing but there are always some cells with a skewness of 0.99 that causes divergence in the solution. Finally, I tried to separate these cells in Fluent then deactivate them but it did not work maybe because my geometry is one big fluid zone or maybe because these cells are essential to the solver since they are at the entry slots and vanes.
I've attached pictures of the geometry and mesh and to clarify, the entry slots are very narrow edges added to the geometry and the vanes are very narrow curves subtracted from the geometry.
My questions are: how to solve this high skewness cells issue? And if possible is there a better way to make the entries and vanes than the one I used to avoid the problem from the beginning.
Please I appreciate any help or advice to solve this issue.



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