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[ICEM] ICEM-CFD 'translate mesh' option with copy mesh function error

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Old   July 3, 2020, 14:00
Default ICEM-CFD 'translate mesh' option with copy mesh function error
Ash Kotwal
Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: North Dakota, USA
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Hello Sir/Ma'am,

My workflow involves two software packages from ANSYS so it should fairly able to adapt itself with meshing workflow that I follow:
  1. Import 'external geometry' into 'designModeler' module, and provide named selections to faces.
  2. Export the geometry towards ANSYS workbench meshing module, and use 'Cartesian Unibody fitted' method since I can not use 'mesh copy', 'mapped meshing', or 'Match Control' option at all with 'Cartesian Unibody fitted' method.
  3. Export the mesh as ICEM-CFD software usable mesh, now I load .prj, .tin, .uns files in ICEM CFD.
  4. mesh gets loaded nice and good: (The first 2 images of attachments are showing the mesh loaded with element numbers)

ICEM CFD workflow:
  1. I decide to perform translate operation and that is, I need to have identical number of elements on 'WALLFRONT (7428)' and 'WALLBACK (7326)'.
  2. Hence, I decide to implement mesh translation under 'edit mesh' tab, by choosing option 'Transform mesh'.
  3. Under 'Transform mesh' I choose sub-option 'translate mesh', and following picture are defined as setup to perform mesh manipulation: here uns_sel_0 = WALLBACK, that means I'm trying to copy or translate mesh of WALLBACK part to WALLFRONT part, and it should because but parts have identical area, perimeter (third image is showing the setup)

and it does run the operation with no error:
(The 4th image in attachment showing successful execution)

But When I check the results, that when I ask for mesh info of individual part I see following result:
(The 5th image in attachment but no identical element on both elements)

Why is that, I see different number for elements not same number? why do I see warnings? How to Solve this issue? Is there better workflow that I can achieve in order to get the goal of all hexahedral 500,000 elements with identical elements on WALLFRONT and WALLBACK?

Please help me!! Thank you.
Attached Images
File Type: png image1.png (23.8 KB, 6 views)
File Type: png image2.png (8.2 KB, 5 views)
File Type: png image4.png (20.2 KB, 7 views)
File Type: png image5.png (7.5 KB, 4 views)
File Type: png imag6.png (109.7 KB, 3 views)
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copy mesh, icem cfd meshing, mesh 3d, translate

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