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[TurboGrid] Including a hub region in blade passage

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Old   June 17, 2020, 13:01
Default Including a hub region in blade passage
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Hi everyone,

I am working with mixed flow turbines but would like to include a hub region to use as an interface for a backdisk cavity mesh. I am using the academic version of TurboGrid as I am a student. The turbines have inlet, blade and outlet passages.

I have created this hub region within the inlet passage but this means the interface between the inlet and blade passages is incredibly close to the leading edge of the rotor (Configuration A). This configuration has caused the cells to become closely packed near the leading edge. I have images of the closely packed cells, the blade passage is blue and the hub region is green.

I would like to move the interface upstream of the rotor to include this hub region in the blade passage to improve the distribution of cells near the leading edge (Configuration B). I have attempted this but get an error stating a point in the hub region is within the blade passage. I was wondering if anyone has attempted this or knows of a method that could resolve this issue.
Thank you for any suggestions

Hub Region Type A.PNG

Hub Region Type B.PNG

blade LE and region mesh.png

blade LE mesh.png
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