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JScript that plots lines, with input from text file - Design Modeler

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Old   January 28, 2020, 09:29
Default JScript that plots lines, with input from text file - Design Modeler
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Tim Crimson
Join Date: Jan 2020
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Hello Forum

I am trying to plot some lines in Design Modeler. For that, I run a JScript. The resulting sketch appears just like I want it, so all good in that department.

The problem is that I have to define my input, which is based on three vectors, manually in the JS file, such:

input_vector_1 = [111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116];
input_vector_2 = [222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227];
input_vector_3 = [333, 334, 335, 336, 337];

This is not the desired way of importing my input. The desired way is to read the three vectors from the following text file, called import1.txt:

Header line 1
Header line 2
Header line 3
999 111 222 333 AAA AAA 999 999 AAA AAA
999 112 223 334 AAA AAA 999 999 AAA AAA
999 113 224 335 AAA AAA 999 999 AAA AAA
999 114 225 336 AAA AAA 999 999 AAA AAA
999 115 226 337 AAA AAA 999 999 AAA AAA
999 116 227 999 AAA AAA 999 999 AAA AAA

I am thinking of defining in the JS code something like


and then the name of the import text file would be the only thing that I need to change if I wanted to define a different geometry.

I just can't figure out how to make it work to read this textfile and assign my three vectors, or if this is even possible. In Matlab this is super simple, but here it seems to be really tricky.

If some special environment is necessary in order to read text files in JS, that is not supported in the Design Modeler compiler, please let me know and kindly suggest me a way around. But it would be really nice if there was a way to read these three columns in JS.

All the best!
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Old   February 6, 2020, 11:22
New Member
Tim Crimson
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 4
Rep Power: 6
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Solved with a python interface
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design modeler, input text file, jscript, sketch

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