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[ANSYS Meshing] Ansys Meshing taking forever for Prism Layer

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Old   October 5, 2019, 07:34
Default Ansys Meshing taking forever for Prism Layer
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Join Date: Oct 2019
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torreh is on a distinguished road
So I am trying to mesh a fairly complex car Geometry in a windtunnel for external aerodynamics. when I first tried to mesh without prism layer it worked fine and was done in about 5 to 10 minutes. Now I changed nothing but assigned mutiple components to have Prism Layer and now it takes forever (1 hour and it still has not finished). It also does not show any process either.
so I do not know wether it is actually working or if it has hung up.

The Prism layer is defined by the thickness of the first layer. Which might also play into the problem because when I generate it with the thickness of the whole Boundary Layer given, it works a lot quicker.
to be fair the geometry is very complex and I have a very thin first layer (about 0.03915mm). I am looking to generate 14 layers with exponential growth rate.

I do not see why it would be taking so long. I have a really strong pc with 32gb Ram (which is not nearly maxed out during meshing) and 16 cores
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mesh, prism, prism layer, taking long

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