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[ICEM] Complex geometry mesh general questions

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Old   August 14, 2019, 14:44
Lightbulb Complex geometry mesh general questions
New Member
Jack B
Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 11
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Hi all,

I've been having some issues meshing the fluid domain in a somewhat complex geometry. I have a few general questions which I hope to get answered here as I could't fine elsewhere.
If the answers to my questions have already been discussed I'd appreciate the link to the souirce.

My geometry consists of a tube with open ends and with a certain wall thickness placed inside another body with a complex shape. This tube has some side-holes in it which are a path for the fluid from the inside of the tube to the inside of the body.

The inlet and outlets of the setup are in the body part.

The way I went about it is by:
1.- Deleting all points and curves and repairing the geometry.
2.- Creating named parts from the surfaces.
3.- Creating a body point called FLUID where I would expect the fluid to be.
4.- Defining global and part meshing parameters and then meshing using the tetra/mixed octree.

The questions I have are the following.
Q1.- Am I right in thinking that I do not need to do blocking as it is an unstructured mesh?
Q2.- Do I need to create more than one body point of the same type if my geometry is complex?
Q3.- Do I need to define a body point for the solid wall in my tube (as it has a wall thickness). I don't want the solid body meshed as I am interested only in the fluid element.
Q4.- Should I define a body point in the solid mentioned above called ORPN so a mesh is not created in that region?

I sadly canot upload the file I am working on as it is university property. But I am interested in the "how I should go about it" part rather than someone doing it for me.
I am open to suggestions into different ways of aproaching the problem and any tips and tricks.

Thanks in advance!
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