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[ANSYS Meshing] Combine structured and unstructured Mesh?

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Old   June 6, 2019, 08:55
Default Combine structured and unstructured Mesh?
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Join Date: Dec 2018
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Archoncomando is on a distinguished road
Hello there,

i'm simulating a Hydrofoil Wing using OpenFOAM that's partly submerged in Water. However the meshing is giving me troubles with how many cells it wants to make.

My domain is fairly large (168m long) so i want to avoid Meshing the majority of the water surface and volume with tetrahedrons. However when i try to make a hexahedral Mesh using Multizone it refuses to work with the Wing and the Inflationlayer around it.

Is there a way to have a cube or ball right around the wing where i allow tetrahedrons for meshing but outside that small area instruct Ansys to mesh using hexes? I think that could cut my cell count way down without screwing up the mesh around the wing itself.

Thanks in advance for any Input!
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Old   June 14, 2019, 21:11
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Greece
Posts: 30
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jeytsav is on a distinguished road
Hi Archoncomando,

To do this in ANSYS meshing, I suggest you split the geometry domain into two sub-domains.

First sub-domain should be a region around the hydrofoil. (Preferably a rectangular region). This is going to be meshed with tetras.

The rest, should be the secondary domain and you could assign hexahedral meshing method on that. You should first mesh the outer sub-domain and then move on meshing the internal one. It should normally work but if doesnt, you can divide the outer domain even further, into smaller rectungular parts. You could then use Sweep or Multizone method to generate a hexaherdral mesh on these parts.

In order the mesh to be conformal among the several sub-domains you should use Share Topology in ANSYS Spaceclaim (I assume that you use the ANSYS platform for all the pre-processing). Otherwise, a mesh interface will be generated between the subdomains (i.e. non conformal mesh) which might lead to higher computational time and/or some source of interpolation error during the solution process.

Hope this helps.
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ansys, hex dominant, meshing, multizone, openfoam

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