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[ICEM] Difficulty in Converting Surface Blocking to 3D Blocking

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Old   April 20, 2019, 20:08
Default Difficulty in Converting Surface Blocking to 3D Blocking
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Ayodele Adeyemi
Join Date: May 2018
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Ayo_gboyega is on a distinguished road
Hello there!

I am generating a structured mesh for a duct in ANSYS ICEM using the Multizone meshing method. I have executed the following:
a. Global and Part mesh parameters setup. Connectivity was alright between surface patches;
b. Automatic surface blocking;
c. Creation of Ogrid around faces
There is however difficulty in generating the 3D mesh from the surface mesh: I see a missing part of the duct when I create the 3D mesh (as shown below).
I am working at generating the 3D mesh and improving the quality manually positioning vertices or modifying the edge parameters, but now stuck as part of the geometry disappears when I attempt to extrude the surface mesh. I have been following steps highlighted in ICEM CFD Tutorials (Multizone Mesh in HVAC Square-to-circle Transition Duct).

I am indeed grateful for any guidance on how to resolve this issue or better still, an alternative approach to generate the needed structured mesh for this duct.

Thanks a ton!



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Old   April 29, 2019, 16:19
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Sebastian Engel
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Hi Ayo,

please web-search what the print key on your keyboard is used for. Tip: Alt+Print, then paste (ctrl +v) into mspaint, gimp, or alikes.

Are you sure there is no block created? Some features of ICEM do not reset the index control. Try to reset it manually. If it is not there, you can also create it manually with a feature which uses specified corner vertices. It should be somewhere close to the extrude block feature.

A more general thought. Which detail in your geometry requires a multizone mesh?
From what i can recognize, i believe, it's easy to use a native 3D blocking structure.

Best regards,
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Old   May 20, 2019, 06:45
New Member
Ayodele Adeyemi
Join Date: May 2018
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Ayo_gboyega is on a distinguished road
Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for your response and thoughts. I didn't quite get the understanding around "index control" reset, I am a newbie in ANSYS package. Regarding my choice of Multizone meshing, I went that way to get high quality boundary layer mesh for the complex geometry, having curvatures and irregularities, but didn't make any progress. I have also explored the native 3D blocking structure but when I checked the Pre-mesh quality, I am getting determinant (Quality) values <<0.4, some elements even having -ve determinant. I tried repeated Smoothing operations but no +ve outcome.

Suggestion on how I may get this determinant (Quality) values within acceptable quality is highly appreciated. Is there any other way for obtaining this Structured mesh?

Thanks in anticipation of your response.

Kind Regards,

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