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[ANSYS Meshing] Problem with periodic condition with split surfaces

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Old   March 16, 2019, 17:54
Exclamation Problem with periodic condition with split surfaces
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I am working on a CFD problem in Fluent. My geometry is a p-surface unit cell (solid). The outer surface of the geometry is triangulated due to the method by which it has been created. This means that I do not have a smooth curved surface and default mesh will be all tetragonal.

I have problems using meshing and periodic boundary conditions. I need to give a periodic boundary condition to this unit cell. To reduce element count, I have divided the unit cell into a lot of bodies in ANSYS Design Modeller so that I can use hexahedral mesh in as many places as possible. But, due to this, the faces that need to be specified as periodic zone and shadow zone are split into many surfaces and ANSYS is not able to make the boundaries periodic. I tried to search on the forums and could not find any thread talking about any similar issue, nor did I find any tutorial online that talks about something similar. I have also tried the command mesh/modify-zone/mt and reduced mt to 1e-7 without any success in producing periodic boundaries. I am currently trying to use the multizone method with hexa core for free mesh type so as to eliminate the need for dividing the geometry into multiple bodies. But it is taking a very large time to generate even a coarse mesh.

Another problem that I faced was, as the outer surface is triangulated (as described earlier) which needs to be specified as a wall, I am not able to provide inflation on it.

Please suggest a solution for this problem. Also, if I am following any wrong method, please tell the correction.
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fluent mesh, hexahedral mesh, periodic boundary fluent, split body

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