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[ICEM] Error: busy called re-entrantly

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Old   June 14, 2018, 08:54
Default Error: busy called re-entrantly
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Germany
Posts: 46
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kepler123 is on a distinguished road
It's been two days since I began using ICEM CFD to mesh an airfoil in 3 dimensions, so basically, I'm meshing a wing with a O mesh. I've watched a few videos by Simon and many others and have read quite a few posts on the same. However, when I try to do stuff myself, sometimes I come across an error dialogue box that says error: busy called re-entrantly as seen in this image.

I notice that this happens when I am working on split edge. I have no clue what the exact reason for the error is, because I can go back and do the exact same thing again with no error. My main problem (other than figuring out when this error occurs) is the fact that I cannot close this dialogue box without closing ICEM-CFD. Do any of you know how I can close this error box without having to restart the software and begin working all over again from the last saved point?

I looked it up online and there is absolutely no post with this error message on any website. So I'm either missing something very obvious or I'm doing something wrong.

P.S: Some time I can close the box with one click on the Ok button, other times I cannot. Most of the times I cannot. I can't say what the underlying reason for the error is when I can close this box, as I don't understand when the error shows in the first place.
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Old   June 15, 2018, 05:05
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Germany
Posts: 46
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kepler123 is on a distinguished road
Update: When I close ICEM-CFD it gives me the option to save the file, I went ahead and did that and it works out fine, all I need to do is restart the program to get rid of this error. Not the best solution, but it's a solution.

Earlier I didn't risk saving on close as I assumed any discrepancies caused by the error would also be saved, but I was wrong.

Would still love to know what causes this error and how the dialogue could be closed, if at all.
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error analysis, icem 18.1

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