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[ICEM] 3D Supersonic nozzle meshing problem

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Old   June 9, 2017, 00:40
Default 3D Supersonic nozzle meshing problem
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Join Date: Jun 2015
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unred486 is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone,

There are several problems I am having to mesh a 3d supersonice nozzle.

1. If I calculate a y+ to be <1, I need a first cell height of like 1e-7. With freestream hexa edge size to be approx. 0.07, aspect ratio is obviously freaking huge. Obviously AR in prism layers are okay to be pretty high but i don't think it can be this high( on the order of 100000)

2. I first wanted to use a multizone strategy(as can be seen in one of the pictures with an airplane in it). But I can't seem to figure out how. If anyone can describe how to use the multizone strategy, please let me know.

3. I have created blocks as neatly as possible and have tried to convert the blocks to free blocks with swept faces because I need different number of nodes between near the wall and awya from the wall. But it seems like swept faces need a surface to be imprinted on?? I am not sure but i keep getting an error( Face 185 covering surfaces)

4. Honestly, I am not even sure if blocking strategy is a right strategy to begin with. So if you have a better idea on how to mesh this thing, again feel free to diverge.

Thank you

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3d meshing, multizone meshing, supersonic nozzle, swept mesh

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