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[ICEM] General Questions

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Old   March 26, 2017, 16:06
Default General Questions
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 81
Rep Power: 14
pizzaspinate is on a distinguished road
Hey there,

I really struggle with ICEM and was hoping that someone here would be able to answer some questions to which I cannot seem to find an answer.

In order to make answering easier I have subdivided the steps I have to undertake in ICEM, in order to obtain a mesh, in the following sub steps:
1. Accuracy/ Cleanness of the Geometry file
2. Blocking Strategy
3. Pre-Mesh/ Associations
4. Quality Check
5. Mesh Check

For each of my sub steps the following questions were arising during the process and I was wondering if someone would be able to answer them.

1. Accuracy/ Cleanness of the Geometry file- How do I check if the geometry I would like to mesh is “good” enough?- Are there certain ways of creating i.e. delta wing? If so which are those? Are there any commands in CAD I should avoid when possible (i.e. lofting)- How can I repair faulty geometries? Which software should I use?

2. Blocking Strategy- Are there any tips or tricks to develop a blocking strategy? Or is it trial and error?

3. Pre-Mesh/ Associations- Does every edge and vertex have to be black or green (associated to either a face or a curve)?- If I load a blocking file into a new project and onto a different geometry will I need to redo every association?

4. Quality Check- How can I improve bad Determinant values?o Associate more edges?o Are there general rules of improving?- How can I minimise skewness? (I.e. for a delta wing as it would have skewed elements due to the nature of the geometry being a triangle)- Do I have to accept a certain level of bad quality elements? If so, how do I know which ones could be further improved?

5. Check Mesh- What causes penetrating elements and how can I fix them?
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ansys, icem, mesh check, meshing, quality check

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