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[ANSYS Meshing] Creation of regions within a mesh (for external flow) Ansys Fluent

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Old   March 16, 2017, 10:37
Default Creation of regions within a mesh (for external flow) Ansys Fluent
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Susana Gutarra
Join Date: Mar 2017
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Hello to the CFD online community,

I am trying to set up a simulation of an external flow over an aerodynamic hull shape using the academic version of ANSYS Fluent R18.0. I need to create a region -box-shaped- around the object and behind it (to cover the wake area) in which the mesh is more refined, such as that in the image that I'm attaching. I have been looking at tutorials in meshing topics, looking for a refinement regions or mesh subdomains...but I can't find how to do it. I attempted to create one by building a box with the geometry tools, but after trying different combinations of boolean operations (see screenshot attached) I can never use it as a subdomain inside the fluid domain, as it is seen as a different object.

In other CFD software I've tried there was a function for this, which consists of creating a "refinement box" around an object...I can't seem to find it in in Ansys.

Can anyone help me please? Thank you very much!

Mesh regions.jpg

regions in fluid domain.jpg
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external aerdynamics, mesh regions, refinement regions

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