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[ANSYS Meshing] Need help with selection of edges using scripting

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Old   March 5, 2017, 05:35
Post Need help with selection of edges using scripting
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studentzz is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone,

I have a problem with selecting edges using scripting in ANSYS Meshing.

I am simulating a 2D flow passing over an airfoil with pressure jump below the airfoil and I am using scripting to automate the process. Without getting into details of the simulation, I first need to create named selection for inlets, outlets, etc to pass it to Fluent solver. I am currently stuck at how to select the edges for my named selection using scripting.

I searched on the web and got one code on creating named selection for every single edge.

but I need to create named selection for specific edges. Can anyone help me with this? How do I select specific edges using scripting in ANSYS Meshing? I am also using VS for debugging, does anyone know how do I access the attributes of edges in VS? like cooridnate info?
var ds = DS;
ds.SelectionManager.selectAll(); //select all
var count = ds.SelectionManager.SelectedCount; //get count of selected bodies

//create array for partID and TopoId for each body
var partID = new Array ();
var TopoId = new Array ();
for (i=1;i<=count; i++) {
partID[i] = ds.SelectionManager.SelectedPartID(i);
TopoId[i] = ds.SelectionManager.SelectedEntityTopoID(i);

for (i=1;i<=count; i++) {
var part = ds.SelectionManager.PartMgr.PartById(partID[i]);
var brep = part.BRep;
var body = brep.Cell(TopoId[i]);

var edges = body.edges;//get total edges of each body

//loop the edges to get the face partID and topoID.
var edgeCount = edges.Count;
for (j=1;j<=edgeCount; j++) {
edge = edges(j);
var aTopoId = edge.Id;
SM.Clear(); //clear any existing selection
SM.ForceSelect(partID[i], aTopoId); //force select edge based on part id and topo id
name = "NS_" + i + "_" + j;
ds.Script.addNamedSelection(false, name); //create named selection


I have attached my project and code in the attachment. Thanks in advance!
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Old   March 5, 2017, 17:49
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Kapi is on a distinguished road
how would you tell code to go and select particular edge?
the above code is selecting each edge in the same pattern as it is drawn.

if you have fixed geometry for all the simulation you do then you can see the range from what number edge to what number edge is your "inlet" is being formed and call them.

sorry but I dont have time to go thru your project and fix it. Please try and see how you can code and reach particular edge and then select with similar code posted below

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ansys, meshing, scripting

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