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[DesignModeler] Easiest way to create helical threads for a steel cable

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Old   October 17, 2016, 18:39
Default Easiest way to create helical threads for a steel cable
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Join Date: Oct 2016
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Hey there!

Basically, I need to model steel cables made of one central straight fiber and sorrounding helical fibers around it (2 more layers, in fact).

I've been digging everywhere but still can't find a proper solution. So far, I've thought I could create a .txt file with the coordinates for the center of each helical fiber and then use SWEEP, with a round profile of the diameter os the sub-cable and the path from a line created with the point imported from the .txt file with th coordinate.

I don't know if there's an easier way. Nonetheless, I'm still struggling with the SWEEP command since I can't create a proper sketch from the line made of the points I imported. I also don't really know how to create a line from all the points without the need to select each point one by one.

Any feedback is welcome!

Edit: I figured I can create a 3D curve with the coordinates points but I can't convert it into a sketch to make is usable as a path for the SWEEP.
Edit2: Finally realized you can use sketch with a body line. I worked fine.

Last edited by ISV; October 17, 2016 at 20:12.
ISV is offline   Reply With Quote


cable, helical, steel, wire

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