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[ICEM] ICEM Meshing Problem-2D Unstructured

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Old   August 25, 2016, 17:13
Default ICEM Meshing Problem-2D Unstructured
New Member
Tariq Ahmed
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 13
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I am doing a 2D simulation and created a 2D geometry. So I created a geometry as in the figure for a simple case where there is an U tube and hot water flows from one end (top) to the other(top). The tube goes through the rectangular domain(wall) where bulk water is present and exchanges heat with it.


I tried creating surface for the rectangular domain as one fluid and separated this surface from the pipe/tube curves and created another separate surface for the tube water. I am trying ICEM unstructured meshing since the real case has 16 bends of tubes and I am doing an initial simple case but for this simple case, I am not able to get a working mesh with boundary conditions in Fluent. I have specified all the boundary conditions but i get wall for all the parts i specified.

I have these following parts:

Adiabatic Thermal Wall (Rectangular Domain)
Fluid (Surface for the rectangular domain)
HEX Pipe Wall
Water Inlet
Water Outlet
Tube Fluid (Surface inside the tubes)

I also tried creating 2 bodies one for bulk water (FLUID) and another inside the tube (TUBE FLUID). But in Fluent, it doesn't recognize them as the above and gives the following
zones, wall_hex_pipe:003-shadow
int_adiabatic_thermal_wallSlitting wall zone 16 into a coupled wall.
Error: 1nquire-adjacent-threads: not a face thread

Error: 1nquire-adjacent-threads: not a face thread
Error Object: #f

Skipping zone fluid_outertubefluid (not referenced by grid).
Skipping zone tubefluid (not referenced by grid).
Skipping zone adiabatic_thermal_wall (not referenced by grid).
Skipping zone hex_pipe (not referenced by grid).
Skipping zone water_outlet (not referenced by grid).
Skipping zone int_outertubefluid (not referenced by grid).
Skipping zone int_fluid (not referenced by grid).
Skipping zone outertubefluid (not referenced by grid).
Skipping zone fluid_outertubefluid (not referenced by grid).
Skipping zone tubefluid (not referenced by grid).
Skipping zone adiabatic_thermal_wall (not referenced by grid).
Skipping zone hex_pipe (not referenced by grid).
Skipping zone water_outlet (not referenced by grid).
Skipping zone int_outertubefluid (not referenced by grid).
Skipping zone int_fluid (not referenced by grid).
Skipping zone outertubefluid (not referenced by grid).
Skipping zone fluid (not referenced by grid).

It would be helpful if you can guide me through where the problem exists.
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