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[Other] How to generate the geometry

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Old   May 19, 2016, 20:21
Post How to generate the geometry
S. Morichika
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 62
Rep Power: 12
Saidul is on a distinguished road
Are there anyone, who can help me out. I am just wondering, how can I generate a geometry by using the following information;

NodeID: 0
Koord: 188 95 457
minDist: 720
drainArea: 2897.526611
edgeNum: 1
IDs: 0

NodeID: 1
Koord: 185 108 386
minDist: 713
drainArea: 2897.526611
edgeNum: 3
IDs: 0 1 2
EdgeID: 0
predID: 0, succID: 1
avminDist: 741.222229
Length: 32.971298
Volume: 7901.478027
VoxNum: 72
Koords: 188 95 457 188 95 456 188 95 455 188 95 454 189 94 453 188 95 452 188 95 451 188 96 450 188 96 449 188 96 448 188 96 447 188 96 446 188 96 445 188 96 444 188 97 443 187 96 442 188 97 441 187 96 440 187 96 439 188 97 438 188 97 437 188 97 436 187 97 435 187 97 434 187 97 433 187 98 432 187 98 431 187 98 430 187 98 429 187 98 428 187 99 427 187 99 426 187 99 425 187 100 424 187 100 423 186 100 422 186 100 421 186 101 420 186 101 419 186 101 418 186 101 417 186 101 416 186 101 415 186 102 414 186 102 413 186 102 412 186 103 411 186 103 410 186 103 409 186 103 408 186 104 407 186 104 406 186 104 405 186 104 404 186 104 403 185 104 402 186 105 401 186 105 400 186 106 399 185 105 398 185 106 397 186 106 396 186 107 395 186 107 394 186 107 393 185 107 392 185 107 391 185 108 390 184 108 389 185 108 388 185 108 387 185 108 386
Area: 771.020344 574.198478 525.312756 439.137498 277.412070 151.353775 159.619251 158.860570 148.243685 136.961843 135.351073 145.933890 132.307289 109.331012 97.868748 97.618167 109.631985 112.144680 102.659259 104.320658 121.226778 136.033683 137.762568 145.071759 144.850275 152.331481 170.985320 191.706361 195.373145 188.113383 184.446621 165.710258 157.468300 151.635466 161.712126 154.207254 153.983895 169.631809 178.515761 180.115365 180.533744 191.100004 165.079091 168.647458 164.414660 166.703324 159.143495 181.961083 176.891569 168.991988 188.442400 167.170880 149.443079 149.527415 146.470242 134.129315 138.811686 146.410569 138.778536 136.073812 158.937527 169.343441 176.100553 164.886298 170.165072 193.580209 222.525456 216.636700 204.853431 127.382544 102.777776 103.718033

EdgeID: 1
predID: 1, succID: 8
avminDist: 644.409119
Length: 14.003784
Volume: 1594.296631
VoxNum: 22
Koords: 171 113 365 172 113 366 173 112 367 173 112 368 174 112 369 174 112 370 175 112 371 176 111 372 176 111 373 177 111 374 177 110 375 178 110 376 179 110 377 178 109 378 179 109 379 180 109 380 181 109 381 182 109 382 182 109 383 183 109 384 184 109 385 185 108 386
Area: 63.226393 76.745194 91.230318 100.931214 103.513310 134.819201 171.055772 156.107491 148.704042 127.222412 118.262665 119.566389 113.054613 87.331018 70.076627 75.438279 74.906803 66.371929 64.597592 53.827886 67.762825 96.637967

NodeID: identification number
Koord: voxel position of node
minDist: minimal distance to vessel surface (in 0.01 mm)
drainArea: drained/supplied parenchymal volume (in cm^3)
edgeNum: number of connected edges
IDs: identification number of connected edges

EdgeID: identification number
predID: note identification number of predecessor
succID: note identification number of successor
Volume: volume of edge
VoxNum: number of skeleton voxels
Koords: voxel koordinats of skeletons (1_x 1_y 1_z 2_x ....)
Area: cross section area at skeleton (in mm^2)

Can anyone tell me how to generate a geometry by using the above data?

Thanks you very much.
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Old   May 19, 2016, 21:09
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 161
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Steffen595 is on a distinguished road
maybe where it says coord, put that into excel. Then 3 columns x y z, make it a comma separated file. This then import into your favorite CAD software.
Then if you can guess, what it is, model it again. Or join the dots via triangular surfaces, until you get a Volume. Painful.

Or find out the file ending, what kind of software. Import into ICEM or so. Could be a mesh file of sorts, you just need the file ending, so you know, what to import.
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geometry generation

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