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[ANSYS Meshing] Inflation. Problema when trying to reduce the number of elements.

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Old   May 14, 2016, 16:16
Default Inflation. Problema when trying to reduce the number of elements.
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I am new at creating a mesh and I am having some trouble with inflation.
I show you my mesh in the next image:

I would like to reduce the number of elements so that there are no more tan 6 or seven elements in the shortest size of the geometry, but keeping three layers of inflation.

The problem is that, when I increase the minimun element size (in order to reduce the number of elements) it doest'n seem to afect those elements that form the inflation. And if I try acting over the inflation parameters (such as using a total-thicknes method in an attempt of making it thicker) ANSYS insists on putting 4 elements of normal mesh in the área I have marked in the image.

I would like to know if the is a way of making the inflation thicker so that its elements cover the total length of the smallest face of the geometry (the part marked with pen in the photo)

Thank you in advance
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element size, inflation, number of cells

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