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[ICEM] Hole in the Mesh

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Old   February 5, 2016, 13:34
Default Hole in the Mesh
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iam_thedoctor is on a distinguished road
Im relatively new to the field and cant get around this problem.

Im trying to mesh a simple 3D geometry( a large cuboid) inside which are a cylinder and cuboid IN CONTACT.

I meshed it using tet once(octree then delauney) and had no problems but I later realized that i needed to define material points inside the inner cuboid and cylinder( they are to be simulated as different materials and hence have different properties),
Now when i defined these material points on these surfaces and tried meshing again, it gives an error telling me there is a hole, while there isnt one - the geometry checks out.
Ive tried playing around with the geometry and to no avail, even when im able to output a mesh, it wont recognize the two different materials that are in contact.

P.S as a side note, is it so that ONLY the volume meshed can be assigned a material?
for eg if ive to simulate flow over a hollow cylinder which sits on a cuboid - the mesh will obviously be around the solids and not inside the volume of the solids ; so how do i assign materials( say aluminium to cylinder and wood to the cuboid) ?
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geometry, hole, material points, tet mesh, topology

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