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[GAMBIT] SketchUp Pro to Fluent or Gambit CFD

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Old   February 6, 2009, 15:28
Default SketchUp Pro to Fluent or Gambit CFD
Steve Johnson
Posts: n/a
Looking for advise as to simplest method to translate SketchUp 3D model into format Fluent or Gambit CFD software can import. According to Gambit the following file formats can be imported: FIDAP, GAMBIT, I-DEAS UNV, ANSYS, NASTRAN, PATRAN, PLOT3D FORMATTED,FLUENT4, FLUENT5, TGRID, STL, HYPERMESH. My SketchUp Pro 3D software can export into the following file formats: 3D DWG or DXF, 3D FBX, 3D XSI, 3D OBJ, 3D VRML, 3D 3DS, STL. The common denominator between these two software programs appears to be and STL file but I am having some difficulty importing the STL into Gambit. Has anyone tried this transfer before with any success? Any advise would help. Steve

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Old   March 2, 2009, 16:27
Default re: SketchUp Pro to Fluent or Gambit CFD
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How are you exporting it? Does Fluent only accept models that are triangulated in form?
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Old   April 6, 2010, 19:21
Smile SketchUp to Fluent
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I have successfully used SketchUp to get my models into Gambit using SolidWorks to transfer the SketchUp .dwg file into a .igs file. You have to use SketchUp Pro to export to the .dwg. When it imports into Gambit there is a lot of "noise" that comes along with it. I ensure that everything is a group before exporting. When I import into Gambit there are a lot of extra lines carried into the model and vertices that are the endpoints for the lines. I delete all the "noise" that comes along with it leaving behind my volumes that were groups in SketchUp. It is a work in process but I just recently got it to work.
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Old   May 16, 2013, 03:05
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Originally Posted by heachinbar View Post
I have successfully used SketchUp to get my models into Gambit using SolidWorks to transfer the SketchUp .dwg file into a .igs file. You have to use SketchUp Pro to export to the .dwg. When it imports into Gambit there is a lot of "noise" that comes along with it. I ensure that everything is a group before exporting. When I import into Gambit there are a lot of extra lines carried into the model and vertices that are the endpoints for the lines. I delete all the "noise" that comes along with it leaving behind my volumes that were groups in SketchUp. It is a work in process but I just recently got it to work.
Dear Tim, i would be very glad if u could show me a snapshot of the 'noise' that comes along when the files is imported and how you deleted all the 'noises'. thanks in advance.
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