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[ANSYS Meshing] Boundaries of Overlapping Solid Mesh in Fluid Domain Being Ignored

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Old   September 16, 2015, 20:29
Default Boundaries of Overlapping Solid Mesh in Fluid Domain Being Ignored
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Join Date: Mar 2015
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rap4957 is on a distinguished road
Hi All,

Apologies if this question is something that's been asked before or if it can be solved using the tutorials. I've been lurking on this site for about a month and haven't been able to come up with the answer.

I'm trying to run a single-phase steady-state laminar simulation to evaluate the impact of the presence of a stent on blood flow within in an aneurysm. The stent is made of very fine circular wires which I've sliced in design modeler and used the sweep mesh method in ANSYS meshing. The interior of these has been set to solid. I've also subdivided the fluid region and formed it into a multibody part. I've attached thumbnails to illustrate what I'm talking about.

I've gotten everything to mesh successfully, and in general skewness and orthogonal quality are pretty good (although there are a few degenerate elements). This will simulate in Fluent and converge to under 1e-6 for continuity. The issue is that when I simulate this in Fluent, the results look identical to when there is no stent at all.

My question is this: Does fluent recognize the boundaries between these meshes when I import the mesh this way? Or is there something else I need to do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help!
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