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[GAMBIT] Link Face Meshes + Size Function

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Old   April 14, 2015, 09:13
Default Link Face Meshes + Size Function
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I am realizing the 3D mesh of a wind turbine blade (type NREL S809). Given the periodic nature of the geometry, it is possible to simulate only half domain, because the other half is a repetition of the first, halving the computation time and complexity of the simulation. To do this, I introduced the periodic boundary condition to the faces of the centerline of the volume, because the grid must be speculate between the two opposite faces. In Gambit you must use the command Link Face Meshes and then specifying the boundary condition “Perodic”.
In Fluent you must specify that the condition of periodicity is rotational and not translational.
To use the command Link Face Meshes, I divided the initial domain by a Vertical plane: I linked Base-plane 1 with Base-plane 2. When I impose the Size Function (Sources: blade faces; Attachment: Volume 6 and 7), I get the mesh of a single volume, while in the other volume, I can obtain only the meshed faces and not the volume. Moreover, I get the following error:
"Initialization failed; perturb boundary nodes and try again.
Initialization failed to mesh 3 nodes.
ERROR: TG_Mesh_Domain failed with error code 1.
ERROR: Tetrahedal meshing Has Failed volume for volume 7.
This is usually caused by problems in the face meshes.
Check the skewnesses meshes of your face and make sure the face mesh size are not too large in areas of small gaps
. "

How can I solve this problem by applying simultaneously the Size Function and the command Link Face Meshes?
How can I get around this obstacle? If necessary, how could I change the geometry?
Thanks a lot.

PS: In the attached image, you find the Boundary conditions that I've imposed.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Forum.jpg (20.5 KB, 24 views)
File Type: jpg GAMBIT Geometry.jpg (26.1 KB, 23 views)
File Type: jpg Boundary Conditions.jpg (28.3 KB, 18 views)
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Old   April 14, 2015, 10:01
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Maxime Perelli
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-mAx- will become famous soon enough
Pretty sure your problem doesn't come from linked faces + SF combo.
For persuading you, try to delete all your BC and your linked faces, and re-try to mesh your volume with your SF.
If it failed, then your problem lies on your topology, and I guess you will have to split your domain for having more control on the mesh in the blade area
In memory of my friend Hervé: CFD engineer & freerider
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link face meshes, size function

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