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[ANSYS Meshing] Inflation Layers disappearing - airfoil

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Old   January 24, 2015, 14:55
Angry Inflation Layers disappearing - airfoil
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Lily Reif
Join Date: Jan 2015
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krekel13 is on a distinguished road
I'm using ANSYS 15 and have a supercritical airfoil in a 3D c-mesh (domain thickness 0.001m, chord 0.35m). When I add inflation layers based on total thickness and specify number of layers, I get the correct inflation layers on the leading edge. But the layers eventually disappear until at the trailing edge there are no layers at all!
I have followed online tutorials and am certain I have created the geometry correctly, so why aren't the inflation layers working properly? Is it something to do with the airfoil shape (MBB-A3)?
I am trying to learn this for a class, but I can't find anyone who has seen this before.
This happens when the only thing I add to the mesh is the inflation layer, everything else is default settings. Adding various sizings don't make any difference to the inflation layer issue.
Please advise what may be causing the problem, or how I can get around it (and please remember that I am new to ANSYS/CFD).
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