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[ICEM] Blocking an elbow (block not conforming to geometry)

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Old   January 22, 2015, 23:06
Default Blocking an elbow (block not conforming to geometry)
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Hey guys,

I'm new to ICEM and I've done the tutorials in the manual. I'm trying to block a heliostat which has an elbow attached to a cylinder as it's support structure. However when I associated the edges of the elbow to the circular geometry at the ends the rest of the blocks aren't snapping to the elbow geometry. Can anyone give me any hints on how to do this association? Attached you can see that the edges at the ends of the elbow are already associated but the "bend" part still has its original block shape. This should be just like the tutorial except there are blocks around the elbow as well because there will be mesh there.

Just some further clarification to anyone that needs it. The vertical plate already has its block deleted, and I was planning to make an o-grid around the elbow/cylinder pylon for the mesh there. If any other info is needed please let me know.

Edit: Ok so I did a test myself. I found that if the surrounding blocks are deleted then the block around the bend will snap to the elbow geometry, if the blocks are there then it won't... How do I make it snap to the geometry without deleting the surrounding blocks?

Edit2: Never mind. Figured it out. If I just associate the edges to surface the mesh naturally conforms to geometry.
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Last edited by llrr12; January 26, 2015 at 23:24.
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