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[ICEM] Advice on genetrating 2D blocks required

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Old   December 3, 2014, 06:46
Default Advice on genetrating 2D blocks required
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Dear all,

I'm trying to create 2D blocks in ICEM. I have attached the picture of the geometry.

I divided it into (many) separate surfaces since I want to achieve a structured mesh. This way I ensured that each surface is mappable and each edge has only one neighbouring edge (geometry). Also, I tried to achieve that the fine mesh near the wall can be meshed independently from the rest of the domain.

Also, this is currently a 2D mesh, which will be transformed (hopefully) in 3D, since it's not changing in the 3rd direction, I can simply extrude it (hopefully).

Structured mesh is what I want for now. Unstructured options are open in the future.

My problems are:
1. When I select all the surfaces and select "2D Surface Blocking" with the "Mostly mapped, all Quad" method, the blocks don't coincide with the geometry. For some reason, ICEM disagrees that this surfaces are mappable.
Because of that it either splits them (unnecesarily), or joins them into "free" blocks.
That wouldn't be such a big problem if it wasn't for problem:

2. When I select few faces and create blocks on them, they are added to a part with a name (let's say) "FLUID". When I try to create other blocks and add them to a different part "NOT_FLUID" it just changes the name of "FLUID" to "NOT_FLUID" and overwrites the existing blocks with the new ones. Why is this a problem?

Because this way it's impossible to create all blocks, delete ones that are bad, and then create/modify new ones. The blocks are overwritten every time.

Any help is very much appreciated,
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