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[DesignModeler] Modelling Pressure Vessel Problems

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Old   November 12, 2014, 17:54
Default Modelling Pressure Vessel Problems
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Victor Peter
Join Date: Nov 2014
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I've started to model a simple pressure vessel model, consisting of only a cylindrical tube, and a hemispherical head. When I designed them in DesignModeler, they were both 1 single body, but I need to be able to control the mesh on the interface between the heads and the cylindric corpse, so I did some research and saw that the solution for my problem was having a multi-body part, so I sliced the body into 2 bodys, and grouped them into one single part.

Here comes, the problem, when I mesh the multi-body part, something weird happens, the cylindric corpse has quadrangular elements, and the spherical triangular. And if I do the same thing to the case of one single body the mesh is all triangular.

I run a simple analysis on both forms and the results were totally different.So I'm guessing that Ansys generated 2 different meshes.

In Short, I need to know how to make ANSYS generate a single mesh for my multi-body part.

I don't know if the policy of the forum allows, but I have a dropbox link of my analysis on both methods, to make it easier to see. If someone knows If I can attach the link here, please say and I'll edit the post.

Thanks a lot!
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body, mesh, multi, pressure, vessel

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