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[ANSYS Meshing] 3D wing blocking and meshing

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Old   September 3, 2014, 13:57
Default 3D wing blocking and meshing
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Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 13
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marcanyada is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

I have a wing in a 3D case for a FSI simulation. To start I want to try separately the fluid part. After having a lot of problems with the 2D model we saw that meshing with ICEM was giving some compatibility issues, so we have to mesh using the Mesh tool on ANSYS Workbench.

My first try was to mesh all the domain together, using inflation on the wing surface and edge sizing on the tip and root of the wing, but the results on CFX are not good (I have points with unrealistic high velocity) and residuals do not coverge.

I would like to do a C-Mesh around the wing. So I divided the fluid volume in 8 bodies to have control over the edges. The result is in the pictures. I have two main problems:

- At the front part it does not look as a C-Mesh at all (I wanted to do something like what is explained here but in 3D)

- When I try to start the CFX simulation I get the message:
Application Error in CFX-Pre: ERROR
There was a problem importing the mesh from the requested file.
The importing process reported the following problem:

Model "Model" does not have a valid mesh associated with it.

Body B295 is an unsuppressed surface body that does not enclose
a volume. Only 3D volume meshes can be imported. If your model
contains valid bodies as well as surface bodies then suppress
the surface bodies and remesh before continuing.

ERROR: Failed to export model.

I would also like to add some kind of inflation on the surface of the wing, because it is really important to find the stall point. But the option is not working.

I would appreciate any help: how I can do the meshing, if there is any better strategy, why I cannot import the mesh...

Thank you!
Attached Images
File Type: jpg geometry.jpg (73.2 KB, 31 views)
File Type: jpg mesh_side.jpg (95.6 KB, 28 views)
File Type: jpg mesh-back.jpg (89.2 KB, 24 views)
File Type: jpg mesh-first.jpg (63.8 KB, 32 views)
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