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[ANSYS Meshing] different structure in .msh format

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Old   April 21, 2014, 14:15
Default different structure in .msh format
New Member
Mahsa Ghaffari
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 10
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I wrote a Matlab code to create mesh structure. My mesh is quadrilateral surface mesh for vascular. I create a mesh structure based on the following document. However, when I create simple tubular surface mesh with CFX .msh format is completely different in terms of faces. I want to know which one is actually .msh file and which rule is the one that I should pursue.
Thank you.

in the PDF the format: each face is connecting two points and two other indices will be used to show the right and left side cell index that the face is connecting.

(13 (2 1 2 2 2)(
1 2 1 2 % Here two first columns are points index &two other one cell indices
3 4 2 3))

However, in the ANSYS CFX forth first column are point indices and two other (zeros) are cell indices which are zeros because of surface mesh.

(13 (0 1 e0 0 0))
(0 "Faces of zone NURBS_CYL")
(13 (4 1 e0 3 4)(
83 8b 89 81 0 0
69 71 72 6a 0 0
a9 b1 b2 aa 0 0
e9 f1 f2 ea 0 0
29 31 32 2a 0 0
43 4b 49 41 0 0
1 2 3 4 0 0
c1 c9 ca c2 0 0
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.msh format, mesh 3d, surface mesh

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