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[ICEM] Dynamic mesh setup with ICEM

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Old   April 11, 2014, 05:19
Default Dynamic mesh setup with ICEM
New Member
Bacci David
Join Date: Mar 2014
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Hi to all!
I would like to prepare a mesh for a store release simulation with fluent.
I have the classical geometry of a delta wing with store. I know that when I will set up the dynamic mesh in Fluent I will have to assign the 6dof condition to the store surface, the layering and remeshing option for the air volume the undeformable option for the wing prism layer and the passive 6dof for the store prism layer.
But I have 2 questions regarding the mesh preparation in ICEM:
1) I prepared my mesh in a standard way, starting from surfaces mesh and then switching to volume and then to prism layer. However I would like to create different parts after the mesh so I can set up the dynamic conditions, more precisely I would like to have the following parts
AIR_VOLUMES : All the tetra elements that will receive the remesh option
STORE_PRISM_LAYER : the store prism layer to receive the passive 6dof option
WING_PRISM_LAYER : the wing prism layer to receive the undeformable option
My question is: How can I select for example all the prism elemets that pertains to the store? is there a way?

2) If the above option is not possible I suppose I will have to restart my mesh and consider the possibility to construct sub domains in way to assign the correct dynamic mesh options. Any suggestion to do this? Is there a tutorial?


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