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[Workbench] Body grouping in finite element modeler

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Old   February 25, 2014, 11:32
Default Body grouping in finite element modeler
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I am trying to create an idealized artery that has a layer of thrombus, and perform ansys structural analysis in workbench. The wall thus consists of a volume of thrombus and a volume of arterial wall.
I use ICEM CFD to create the mesh. When I create a mesh with tetras and define all surfaces and bodies, Workbench recognizes the two bodies. However, when I create a mesh with hexas with the following method it only shows me one body and I cannot assign different material properties to the 2 layers.
The hexa mesh is created using two times the extrude function:
Using the blocking strategy, I create the surface mesh of the middle surface (the one that separates the two body layers). Then I extrude the created surface mesh inwards and assign the volume mesh to thrombus. Then I extrude the middle surface mesh outwards and assign the volume mesh to arterial wall.
While FE modeler in workbench, when I import the .uns file, can see the two bodies, when I link it to static structural (ansys) in only shows me one body and I cannot define the two different material properties.
I have tried the body grouping in the properties of FE modeler but still it is grouped at the end as one body.

If there is anyone that could help, I would really appreciate it.
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body grouping, extrude mesh

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