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[ANSYS Meshing] Meshing of bullet farfield (via inflation)

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Old   February 19, 2014, 05:00
Default Meshing of bullet farfield (via inflation)
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 3
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Hernus is on a distinguished road

I'm currently investigating in the Aerodynamics of a flying bullet. I'm quite comfortable with the set-up I use.

The bullet analysis is for speeds up to 3 Mach, attack angles up to 6 degrees, and a rotational bullet (wall) of up to 22 000 rad/s.

The results I get is almost acceptable, except the force in z direction and moment around y-axis on the centre point of bullet (Magnus force and Magnus moment). These values jump around a lot and never converged to the same value even if the same conditions is run again.

I have a feeling this is about the mesh, I'm currently just using the meshing system inside ANSYS with just the default inflation from the body towards a greater outfield. I tried to refine the mesh around the bullet and inflate more and more gradually with extensive bodies but with no luck. when I ran the simulation in Fluent I get an "Floating point f" error. I really tried a lot of different meshing techniques with no luck

I also know the "floating point f" error can be because of lost units...

Is there anyone that maybe can assist me in the mesh?

Thank you
Hernus is offline   Reply With Quote


bullet, farfield, fluent, inflation, mesh

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