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[ICEM] Split surface

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Old   April 10, 2013, 12:00
Default Split surface
Rolando Figueiredo
Join Date: Mar 2013
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Hello again!

Here's the issue - it's quite simple but I'm don't know how or even if it is possible to do it. I want to split a surface at a determined location. I can achieve what I want by creating a curve between two points and hen using it to split the surface (as seen on the images below).



However,k the actual location of where I want to split the surface is not at those points (intersection between the horizontal curve and the vertical line). I would like to split at a certain normal (y-axis) distance from the back of the model.

One way of doing it would be by creating a curve from two x,y,z points. However, it would be easier if I could somehow set a normal distance from the exit surface.

Does anyone have any ideas to help me? Or should I just go to Solidworks and get the x,y,z coordinates?

Thank you in advance!
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Old   April 15, 2013, 04:18
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Stuart Buckingham
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stuart23 will become famous soon enoughstuart23 will become famous soon enough
I would offset the outlet surface by the particular value then use the offset surface to intersect with your hub. Once you have created the split, you can then delete the offset surface. I think this would be easier than going back to CAD
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Old   April 15, 2013, 06:17
Rolando Figueiredo
Join Date: Mar 2013
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distance, normal, part, split, surface

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