March 3, 2013, 11:17
ICEM sizing function >>> Gambit and Ansys meshing
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How do we apply sizing function in ICEM...
I think it can be:
1. Density box
2. Tetra width and tetra ratio
How we can relate them to sizing function of Ansys meshing and Gambit. I am asking this because recently I was asked by someone to make the volume mesh (tetra + prism) in ICEM and he provided me surface mesh made in gambit. I was surprised the mesh quality. Mesh was very fine near leading and trailing edge and coarse in centre with very smooth transition. When asked, he saaid" he used the sizing function of Gambit". Similarly I saw the examples of Ansys meshing and sizing functions were superb (I heard sizing functions in gmabit comes from Gambit!!! is it true).
Is it possible to get the similar size functions in ICEM and how to activate them?