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[ICEM] ICEM Script use of a loop

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Old   February 7, 2013, 20:27
Default ICEM Script use of a loop
New Member
Prakash Paudel
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Toronto
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Hello everyone, I am posting this question on ICEMCFD scripting hoping that someone would know the answer and anyone looking at this thread in the future would benefit from this. I have the following lines of scripts generated in ICEMCFD. Instead of making a copy of the curves and surfaces and translating them one by one, I wanna be able to do this in a loop where i would know the number of iterations (n) beforehand. The arguments for translation (here i have used 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4 for simplicity} would depend on the value of n.

Also, when the duplicate copies of the curves and surfaces are being made, i wanna name them in such a way that i can reuse them in the future. Perhaps create a loft using two curves by writing a code that may look like

ic_geo_duplicate_set_fam_and_data curve crv0 Firstcurve {} _0
ic_geo_duplicate_set_fam_and_data curve crv1 Secondcurve {} _0
ic_geo_cre_srf_loft_crvs SURFS FirstSurface 0.1 {Firstcurve Secondcurve} 4 0 1

Any help is appreciated. Let me know if anything i said is not clear.

1. ic_undo_group_begin
2. ic_geo_cre_geom_input C:wdir/import.txt 0.001 input PNTS pnt CRVS crv SURFS srf
10. ic_undo_group_begin
11. ic_geo_duplicate_set_fam_and_data surface srf0 srf0.0 {} _0
12. ic_geo_duplicate_set_fam_and_data curve crv1 crv1.0 {} _0
13. ic_geo_duplicate_set_fam_and_data curve crv0 crv0.0 {} _0
14. ic_move_geometry surface names srf0.0 translate {0.1 0.1 0.1}
15. ic_move_geometry curve names {crv1.0 crv0.0} translate {0.1 0.1 0.1}
16. ic_undo_group_end
17. ic_geo_duplicate_set_fam_and_data surface srf0 srf0.1 {} _1
18. ic_geo_duplicate_set_fam_and_data curve crv1 crv1.1 {} _1
19. ic_geo_duplicate_set_fam_and_data curve crv0 crv0.1 {} _1
20. ic_move_geometry surface names srf0.1 translate {0.2 0.2 0.2}
21. ic_move_geometry curve names {crv1.1 crv0.1} translate {0.2 0.2 0.2}
22. ic_undo_group_end
23. ic_geo_duplicate_set_fam_and_data surface srf0 srf0.2 {} _2
24. ic_geo_duplicate_set_fam_and_data curve crv1 crv1.2 {} _2
25. ic_geo_duplicate_set_fam_and_data curve crv0 crv0.2 {} _2
26. ic_move_geometry surface names srf0.2 translate {0.3 0.3 0.3}
27. ic_move_geometry curve names {crv1.2 crv0.2} translate {0.3 0.3 0.3}
28. ic_undo_group_end
29. ic_geo_duplicate_set_fam_and_data surface srf0 srf0.3 {} _3
30. ic_geo_duplicate_set_fam_and_data curve crv1 crv1.3 {} _3
31. ic_geo_duplicate_set_fam_and_data curve crv0 crv0.3 {} _3
32. ic_move_geometry surface names srf0.3 translate {0.4 0.4 0.4}
33. ic_move_geometry curve names {crv1.3 crv0.3} translate {0.4 0.4 0.4}
34. ic_undo_group_end
Prakash.Paudel is offline   Reply With Quote


icemcfd, loop, tcl scripts

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