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Mesh interior volume which has layers

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Old   August 25, 2016, 05:33
Default Mesh interior volume which has layers
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sparlund is on a distinguished road

How do I fill up an interior mesh with elements after making Layers in it?

I have a cooling plate consisting of a solid, with a interior track where the fluid will run. The plate has an inlet and an outlet for the fluid. I've created PID'ds for the fluid, the inlet, the outlet and the solid surronding the fluid.

In order to get good Yplus values on the wall where the fluid contacts the cooling plate, I've used the function "Layers" to create 2 boundary layers on the fluid PID. I've made sure that the grey side is inwards, so that the layers grow in the right direction.

After that, I try to auto-detect the remaining volumes (the solid cooling plate, and the remaining unmeshed part of the fluid). But it only finds the solid, meaning that the fluid only will be meshed for like 2 layers closest to the wall.

Is it a good idea to use this process, of first making layers to an interior volume and then trying find a volume for it?

I use ANSA 16.1.0 and start the GUI with the CFD option.
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Old   August 26, 2016, 07:47
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Vangelis Skaperdas
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vangelis is on a distinguished road
Hi there

Yes this is the correct process
First you create the layers and then you use Detect
to find the remaining inner volume.
If Detect does not find a volume check the following:
1) Do you have ALL entities visible, Macros and FE-mod mesh
Can you see all the surface mesh of your model and the top cap of the layers?
Have in mind that detect works on visible so if something is not visible ANSA cannot detect a volume.
2) Prior to detect switch the Display style icon (first row, last button in the bottom icons of ANSA) to Mesh-Check Gaps to see if there are any red bounds that is free edges.
3) Does ANSA report anything in the Text Window when detect finishes?

Hope this helps
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ansa, cfd, layers, mesh, volume

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