With a long history of successful use within the dam and river hydraulics industry, the CFD software FLOW-3D is a popular modeling tool used by professionals to numerically model the flow in and around hydraulic control and energy dissipation structures. In this webinar presentation, we will answer a series of questions that address the practical application of CFD modeling for dam-related hydraulic structures. Key questions are:
- As a practical matter, what is involved in creating a numerical model of spillways, stilling basins, gate controls? How is the environment built, how are the hydraulics modeled?
- How does CFD modeling relate to physical modeling?
- How does CFD modeling relate to design standards?
- How does FLOW-3D handle additional processes such sediment deposition and scour, air entrainment, cavitation, or thermal plumes?
- What kind of hardware is necessary in order to achieve high quality results within reasonable computational time-frames?
Using numerous examples, the webinar aims to provide detailed information for water and environmental professionals interested in understanding the possibilities, benefits and limits of using advanced CFD tools such as FLOW-3D for dam-related applications.
To register online, visit http://www.flow3d.com/modeling-spillways-stilling-basins-and-hydraulic-controls-webinar