India, June 14, 2011
Workshop aims at training scientists/engineers in
understanding the concepts of CEM and also apply the
knowledge to real life problems. The workshop will also
expose the participants to the latest techniques in CEM and
their possible applications.
CDAC and ZN are jointly organizing a workshop on
"Computational Electromagnetics and its Applications" at
CDAC Bangalore for the benefit of
Scientists/Engineers/Researchers in the field of
Workshop aims at training scientists/engineers in
understanding the concepts of CEM and also apply the
knowledge to real life problems. The workshop will also
expose the participants to the latest techniques in CEM and
their possible applications.
This workshop will cover broadly, the following:
Basics of Electromagnetics.
FVTD, FDTD, FIT and FEM Methods.
Method of moments, physical optics.
Acceleration of Matrix solution.
Implementation of various methods.
Estimation of Radar Cross Section.
EMI/EMC simulations.
Design of wave guide.
Design of Antenna.
Effect of di-electric / meta materials.
Target Audience:
Techno-Managers, R&D heads who provide direction to future
Engineers working day to day on electromagnetics problems.
Design engineers.
Scientists and R&D consultants.
Faculty and Masters students from engineering colleges.
Prof. RPRC Aiyar, IIT Bombay
Prof. Harish Pillai, IIT Bombay
Prof. S V Kulkarni, IIT Bombay
Mr K N Shamanna, ADA
Dr Subrata Chattopadhyay, CDAC
Prof Jitendra Shah, Zeus Numerix