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Detonation Physics and Modelling - Part 2, Sep 2011, United Kingdom

Posted By: Louise Mortimer
Date:Tue, 26 Apr 2011, 6:05 p.m.

United Kingdom, September 28, 2011

Prof M Braithwaite, Prof J Field, Dr N Nikiforakis.
The course will cover basic concepts on shock & detonation
physics for gaseous, homogeneous & heterogeneous
explosives & will introduce the participants on modelling,
hydrocode simulation & experimental techniques. It
will be given in 2 parts. Participants may register for
either or both parts (discounts apply). The 2nd part will
be devoted on CFD simulation, including formulations &
numerical methods for gaseous & condensed-phase combustion.



Scope: The course will cover basic concepts on shock and
detonation physics for gaseous, homogeneous and
heterogeneous explosives and will introduce the participants
on modelling, hydrocode simulation and experimental
techniques. The course will be given in two parts.
Participants may register for either or both parts
(discounts apply). The first part will focus on the physics,
experiments and reduced modelling, while the second part
will be devoted on the CFD simulation, including
formulations and numerical methods for gaseous and
condensed-phase combustion.

Topics to be covered include: The course will cover a broad
range of areas, including:

Part 1:

* Introduction to Shock Physics;
* Explosion and Detonation Physics I;
* Detonation Physics II (Thermodynamic EoS, Rate forms,
ZND and Wood Kirkwood);
* Detonation and Explosion Modelling (thermodynamic
analysis, gas, condensed phase);
* Hot-Spot Ignition of Explosives;
* Non-ideal detonation modeling - quasi-1D (Role of hot
spots - ex void collapse, adiabatic shear, Non-ideal
detonation - shock front curvature, finite reaction zone,
critical diameter, partial reaction and reduced VOD, Role of
confinement, DSD, Program burn);
* Industrial and defense applications;
* Examples from CFD modelling;
* Experimental techniques for studies of explosives;
* Recent Research on Explosives including DDT Studies;
* Non-ideal detonation detonation modeling application
quasi 1D;
* CFD applications.

Part 2:

* Formulations for gaseous and condensed-phases
(including augmented Euler, Baer-Nunziato and reduced B-N).
* Representation of chemistry (including Arhenius,
reduced and full chemistry, pressure-based and ignition, and
growth models).
* Numerical schemes.
* Mesh generation and mesh adaptation (AMR).

The lecturers in Part 2 will demonstrate the theory and
numerical methods via a number of case studies, including:

* Gaseous-phase shock-induced detonation.
* Shock-flame interaction and deflagration-to-detonation.
* Condensed-phase shock-induced detonation (rate stick).
* Condensed-phase propagation of detonation in curved ducts.
* Condensed-phase detonation using B-N and reduced B-N

Working Plan: The lectures on the theory will be
complemented by hands-on computational practicals during the
afternoons. The participants may bring their own laptops to
do the practicals and to connect to the server. Instructions
on essential software and how to acquire it will be given at
registration. We are able to provide a number of laptops for
the duration of the course. There will be additional
seminars which will demonstrate the application of the short
course topic in industrial and academic practice.

Who should attend: The course is suitable for researchers
and practitioners from industry, research institutions and
consultancy organizations. The course will also serve as a
good introduction for those in managerial and policy-making

Attainable skills: At the end of the course the participants
will have a firm understanding of detonation physics
fundamentals, knowledge of the hierarchy of models employed
for detonation modelling and siulations and hands-on
experience using operational codes.

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