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CFD Events Calendar, Event Record #23425

Steam and Combined Cycles Design online course- Softinway Inc. - TurboMachinery Mastered
This online training course will teach the fundementals of Steam and Combined Cycles using the AxCYCLE software.
Date: July 26, 2016 - July 29, 2016
Contact Email:
Organizer: Softinway Inc. - Turbomachinery Mastered
Application Areas: Turbomachinery
Softwares: AxSTREAM
Type of Event: Online Event, International

For a full list of available online courses fro Softinway's Turbomachinery University please visit here

Steam and Combined Cycles Online Training Course

This online training course will teach the fundementals of Steam and Combined Cycles using the AxCYCLE software.

Online Training Courses

SoftInWay offers online courses for engineers involved in turbine, compressor and pump design. Over the course of four to fourteen days, 2-3 hours per day, our leading engineering experts will be providing you with an in-depth, practical coverage of turbomachinery design, analysis and optimization.

Highlights and Benefits

  • Comprehensive course program includes 24 hours of lectures (theoretical overview, practical exercises and home task reviews) and consultation (Q&A sessions).
  • Flexible schedule allows participation in the course without leaving the office.
  • All sessions are recorded allowing a quick access to the course contents at anytime.
  • Online course structure ensures consultation with instructors in real time.
  • This major focus on practice enables implementation of suggested design and optimization procedures in live engineering process.
  • You will gain the SAME turbomachinery design knowledge and skills as during classroom training and save travel costs.
Event record first posted on June 20, 2016, last modified on June 22, 2016

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