The scope of the conference covers from a
scientific and engineering perspective, the fluid dynamics
and thermodynamics involved in improving the performance,
stability and sustainability characteristics in the design,
development and operation of axial, mixed flow and radial
- Aero-jet engines
- Aviation and industrial gas turbines
- Steam turbines
- Compressors and fans
- Hydraulic turbines and pumps
- Non conventional turbines (wind, Wells, Arrhenius, ….)
Particular emphasis will be given to the
following areas:
- Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Flows
- Turbulent and transitional flows
- Two phase and wet steam flows
- Particle paths, deposition and erosion effects
- Real working fluid flows
- Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Cooling and Leakage
- Heat transfer and turbine cooling
- Turbine internal and external (film) cooling flows and
- The effects of rotation, unsteadiness and temperature
non uniformities
- Leakage and sealing flows
- Unsteady Flows and Interactions
- Surge, stall and transients
- Rotor-stator interactions and multi-row effects
- Vibration, forced response, flutter and aero-elasticity
- Separation and cavitation
- Aero-acoustics, noise generation and reduction
- Turbomachinery Design, Performance and Operation
- Design, analysis and optimisation
- Performance predictions
- Active and passive flow control, including MEMS
- Testing, measurement techniques and experimental
- Operational experience and performance monitoring
- Diagnostics, deterioration and residual performance/life
This international conference is
organized on a bi-annual basis by the national engineering
association of the country in which the conference takes