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what's the meaning of UEqn().A()

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Old   May 2, 2010, 10:59
Default what's the meaning of UEqn().A()
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I'm a new user of OpenFOAM,now I'm analyzing a solver .But I don't know what's the meaning of UEqn().A() and UEqn().H().Can you help me translate them to mathematic form.Thank you!
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Old   May 2, 2010, 11:13
Cedric Van Holsbeke
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  • Terms dependent on U are included in the A field.
  • Terms not directly dependent on U are included in the H field.
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Old   May 2, 2010, 11:25
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Originally Posted by CedricVH View Post
  • Terms dependent on U are included in the A field.
  • Terms not directly dependent on U are included in the H field.
Thank you for your reply.Does it mean the matrix A in equntion AU=H?But it's expressed a volScalarField,what's the connection between the matrix and the "scalar"? Thank you!
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Old   May 3, 2010, 11:21
Matthew J. Churchfield
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In the solver you are analyzing, the equation system to be solved begins as CU = R where C is a matrix, U is the solution vector, and R is the right hand side. The C matrix can be split into a matrix with only the diagonal elements of C, which is called A, and a matrix that has only the off-diagonal elements of C, which is called H'. In other words C = A + H'.

Therefore, the linear system becomes (A + H')U = R, which is the same as AU = R - H'U. The right hand side is simply called H, so H = R - H'U. Therefore, we know have AU = H.

So take a look at the code you are analyzing, and you'll see something similar to:

    fvVectorMatrix UEqn
        fvm::ddt(U)                        // time derivative
      + fvm::div(phi, U)                  // convection
      + turbulence->divDevReff(U)    // viscous and turbulent deviatoric stresses
      - gradPd                               // specified mean pressure gradient
Later you'll see code like rUA = 1.0/UEqn.A() and U = rUA*UEqn.H(). The .A() operator gives A formed in UEqn, the list of diagonal elements as explained above. This is a scalarField because each element is a scalar and corresponds to one grid cell. The .H() operator is a list of the elements of the vector H described above and formed in UEqn. If the variable U is a vector, then each element of H will be a vector; if the variable U is a scalar, then each element of H will be a vector, and so on.

It is important to note, though, that there will be a piece of code that forms an fv<Type>Matrix, like the piece of code I included above. Later, there will be a piece of code that says something like

solve(UEqn == - fvc::grad(pd) - fvc::grad(rhok) * gh);
where the matrix system is actually solved. Note that it is UEqn == ... The terms on the right hand side of the == do not contribute the the A and H given by UEqn.A() and UEqn.H(). Only the terms contained inside UEqn definition itself create UEqn.A() and UEqn.H().

For more description of this go take at look at section 2 of my description of buoyantBoussinesqPisoFoam at
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Old   May 4, 2010, 04:36
Default Thank you very much to help me solve the problem!
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Originally Posted by mchurchf View Post
In the solver you are analyzing, the equation system to be solved begins as CU = R where C is a matrix, U is the solution vector, and R is the right hand side. The C matrix can be split into a matrix with only the diagonal elements of C, which is called A, and a matrix that has only the off-diagonal elements of C, which is called H'. In other words C = A + H'.

Therefore, the linear system becomes (A + H')U = R, which is the same as AU = R - H'U. The right hand side is simply called H, so H = R - H'U. Therefore, we know have AU = H.

So take a look at the code you are analyzing, and you'll see something similar to:

    fvVectorMatrix UEqn
        fvm::ddt(U)                        // time derivative
      + fvm::div(phi, U)                  // convection
      + turbulence->divDevReff(U)    // viscous and turbulent deviatoric stresses
      - gradPd                               // specified mean pressure gradient
Later you'll see code like rUA = 1.0/UEqn.A() and U = rUA*UEqn.H(). The .A() operator gives A formed in UEqn, the list of diagonal elements as explained above. This is a scalarField because each element is a scalar and corresponds to one grid cell. The .H() operator is a list of the elements of the vector H described above and formed in UEqn. If the variable U is a vector, then each element of H will be a vector; if the variable U is a scalar, then each element of H will be a vector, and so on.

It is important to note, though, that there will be a piece of code that forms an fv<Type>Matrix, like the piece of code I included above. Later, there will be a piece of code that says something like

solve(UEqn == - fvc::grad(pd) - fvc::grad(rhok) * gh);
where the matrix system is actually solved. Note that it is UEqn == ... The terms on the right hand side of the == do not contribute the the A and H given by UEqn.A() and UEqn.H(). Only the terms contained inside UEqn definition itself create UEqn.A() and UEqn.H().

For more description of this go take at look at section 2 of my description of buoyantBoussinesqPisoFoam at

Thank you very much to help me solve the problem!
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Old   May 6, 2010, 03:23
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Originally Posted by mchurchf View Post

For more description of this go take at look at section 2 of my description of buoyantBoussinesqPisoFoam at
Hi, mchurchf
After reading your description of buoyantBoussinesPisoFoam, I am still puzzled about the meaning of the red line in the following code, which is in the UEqn of twophaseEulerFoam.I can not find the corresponding mathematical expression, can you help me? Thank you!
UaEqn =
(scalar(1) + Cvm*rhob*beta/rhoa)*
+ fvm::div(phia, Ua, "div(phia,Ua)")
- fvm::Sp(fvc::div(phia), Ua)
- fvm::laplacian(nuEffa, Ua)
+ fvc::div(Rca)
+ fvm::div(phiRa, Ua, "div(phia,Ua)")
- fvm::Sp(fvc::div(phiRa), Ua)
+ (fvc::grad(alpha)/(fvc::average(alpha) + scalar(0.001)) & Rca)
- fvm::Sp(beta/rhoa*K, Ua)
- beta/rhoa*(liftCoeff - Cvm*rhob*DDtUb)
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Old   November 9, 2016, 09:22
Default how to know there is a member function named of UEqn?
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Originally Posted by wangle View Post
I'm a new user of OpenFOAM,now I'm analyzing a solver .But I don't know what's the meaning of UEqn().A() and UEqn().H().Can you help me translate them to mathematic form.Thank you!
I am a new user too, I wonder how to know there is a member function named A() or H() of UEqn? where can I find the definition of UEqn, I checked UEqn.H, but I can't find it, anyone can give a link of the definition of some instruction? thanks!
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Old   November 9, 2016, 11:50
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Hi Duo,
UEqn is and object of class fvVectorMatrix so you need to search for member functions of this class to get A() or U().

Also fvVectorMatrix is basically typedef name for fvMatrix<vector>.

typedef fvMatrix<vector> fvVectorMatrix
typedef fvMatrix<vector> fvVectorMatrix

so you search for fvMatrix<Type> template class for finding the required member functions. This can be found here:
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Old   November 9, 2016, 11:55
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thanks, very helpful!
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Old   April 27, 2018, 04:38
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Hello FOAMers,

I am still not sure about one point in Matthew's explanation:

Originally Posted by mchurchf View Post
The .A() operator gives A formed in UEqn, the list of diagonal elements as explained above. This is a scalarField because each element is a scalar and corresponds to one grid cell.
This may seem like a silly question but since UEqn is a vector equation, there should be three matrices (one each for u, v and w) and, correspondingly, three diagonal coefficients. So, how come the '.A()' operator gives a scalarField instead of a vectorField?

Many thanks.

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Old   May 2, 2018, 08:09
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Dear FOAMers,

After a quick derivation, I found out that all coefficients of the UEqn should be scalars. I am providing the derivation here for other users who may have similar doubts.

Consider the discretization of the convective term \nabla\cdot \left(\bold{uu}\right) on a non-uniform 2D Cartesian grid shown below:

    |  N  |
| W |  P  | E |
    |  S  |
Integrating \nabla\cdot \left(\bold{uu}\right) over cell P and applying Gauss theorem, we get:

\iint_{\Omega_P}{\nabla\cdot \left(\bold{uu}\right)}\ dV 
\oint_{\partial \Omega_P}{\left(\bold{uu}\right)\cdot \mathbf{dS}}
\sum_{f}{\overbrace{\left(\mathbf{u}^0_f\cdot \mathbf{S}_f \right)}^{\phi^0_f}

If we use the central (linear) scheme to estimate \phi^0_f and \mathbf{u}_f at each face, we obtain:

Face e
\phi_e^0 = \left[
   \left(\frac{x_e - x_P}{x_E - x_P}\right)u_E^0
+ \left(\frac{x_E - x_e}{x_E - x_P}\right)u_P^0
\right] \Delta{}y_e
\mathbf{u}_e = 
   \left(\frac{x_e - x_P}{x_E - x_P}\right)\mathbf{u}_E
+ \left(\frac{x_E - x_e}{x_E - x_P}\right)\mathbf{u}_P

Face w
\phi_w^0 =
   \left(\frac{x_w - x_P}{x_W - x_P}\right)u_W^0
+ \left(\frac{x_W - x_w}{x_W - x_P}\right)u_P^0
\right] \Delta{}y_w
\mathbf{u}_w = 
   \left(\frac{x_w - x_P}{x_W - x_P}\right)\mathbf{u}_W
+ \left(\frac{x_W - x_w}{x_W - x_P}\right)\mathbf{u}_P

Face n
\phi_n^0 =
   \left(\frac{y_n - y_P}{y_N - y_P}\right)v_N^0
+ \left(\frac{y_N - y_n}{y_N - y_P}\right)v_P^0
\right] \Delta{}x_n
\mathbf{u}_n =
   \left(\frac{y_n - y_P}{y_N - y_P}\right)\mathbf{u}_N
+ \left(\frac{y_N - y_n}{y_N - y_P}\right)\mathbf{u}_P

Face s
\phi_s^0 = 
   \left(\frac{y_s - y_P}{y_S - y_P}\right)v_S^0
+ \left(\frac{y_S - y_s}{y_S - y_P}\right)v_P^0
\right] \Delta{}x_s
\mathbf{u}_s = 
   \left(\frac{y_s - y_P}{y_S - y_P}\right)\mathbf{u}_S
+ \left(\frac{y_S - y_s}{y_S - y_P}\right)\mathbf{u}_P

Notice that all the coefficients are scalars. Now, these can be assembled in the form shown below. The rest of the discussion in this thread follows from here.

a_P \mathbf{u}_P + \sum_{nb}{a_{nb} \mathbf{u}_{nb}}

Hope this helps.

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