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Solver "command not found" error

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Old   April 26, 2013, 18:57
Default Solver "command not found" error
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I am not an expert on Linux and I am trying to compile "waveFoam" and "waveDyMFoam" solvers. I compiled the "waveFoam" solver successfully. Everything was ready for the "waveFoam" solver, I just downloaded all the files and ran the "Allwmake".

For the "waveDyMFoam" solver I followed the steps described in the wiki below:

Basically, I modified "waveDyMFoam' from the "interDyMFoam" solver. Everything compiled fine but now when I try to run the "waveDyMFoam" solver, I get the error below:

waveDyMFoam: command not found

I am not sure what did I do wrong. I did everything exactly as described in the wiki. Maybe I should modify another file (bashrc??).

Thank you very much for your time and help,

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Old   April 27, 2013, 04:44
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T. Chourushi
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Originally Posted by kilroy View Post

I am not an expert on Linux and I am trying to compile "waveFoam" and "waveDyMFoam" solvers. I compiled the "waveFoam" solver successfully. Everything was ready for the "waveFoam" solver, I just downloaded all the files and ran the "Allwmake".

For the "waveDyMFoam" solver I followed the steps described in the wiki below:

Basically, I modified "waveDyMFoam' from the "interDyMFoam" solver. Everything compiled fine but now when I try to run the "waveDyMFoam" solver, I get the error below:

waveDyMFoam: command not found

I am not sure what did I do wrong. I did everything exactly as described in the wiki. Maybe I should modify another file (bashrc??).

Thank you very much for your time and help,

Your error lies in the application/solver folder.
You don't have to change anything in "bashrc". /.bashrc, is used to set the environmental variable only.

Few doubts:
1. Is your waveFoam command running? If yes, then do check the "/make" folder, may be you have missed some point. May be the path of "/folders" are different in your case then the mentioned case on the weblink.

2. Have you named your file as "waveDyMFoam.C" instead of "interDyMFoam"?

3. Otherwise, try uploading your case here. Will let you know.

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Old   April 27, 2013, 07:38
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An other cause could simply be that the files are created but put in the wrong place.
Check whether the Make/files folder is something like

Only the custom solvers put in $(FOAM_USER_APPBIN) are found automatically.

Make sure you compile the solvers with 'wmake' and not 'wmake libso' since this will not work either.
If non of the above is the cause, first try to find the waveFoam solver file by running
sudo updatedb && locate waveFoam
This should autoput a whole list of files and one of them should end with .../bin/waveFoam


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Old   April 29, 2013, 11:06
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Thank you very much for your response. I answered your questions below:

1. Is your waveFoam command running? If yes, then do check the "/make" folder, may be you have missed some point. May be the path of "/folders" are different in your case then the mentioned case on the weblink.
My waveFoam is working but waveDyMFoam is not. I also checked the "/make" folder, it looks exactly the same as described in the weblink.

The path described in the weblink is below:

And my path is below:

2. Have you named your file as "waveDyMFoam.C" instead of "interDyMFoam"?
Yes, I double checked that too.

3. Otherwise, try uploading your case here. Will let you know.
I uploaded everything in the waves2Foam folder, it is located in the path below:

The link to the case is below:
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Old   April 29, 2013, 11:17
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Thank you very much for your response. My "waveFoam" command is running but "waveDyMFoam" is not.

Check whether the Make/files folder is something like

I checked "Make/files" folder for "waveDyMFoam". It looks like below:


Make sure you compile the solvers with 'wmake' and not 'wmake libso' since this will not work either.
I compiled the "waveDyMFoam" solver with "wmake".

If non of the above is the cause, first try to find the waveFoam solver file by running
sudo updatedb && locate waveFoam
This should autoput a whole list of files and one of them should end with .../bin/waveFoam
After I run the command you mentioned above, I can see a line ending with

The whole list of files I get, after I run the commands is below:

meta@meta-5:/opt/openfoam220/applications/solvers$ sudo updatedb && locate waveDyMFoam
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Old   April 29, 2013, 11:57
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Ok, this is the line which I was talking about


It looks a bit messed up to me. What I would expect is something like

and certainly not 'root' since you should not be working as root. If you open a new terminal and type
it will say which folder will be read as regular user. This is where your file waveDynFoam should end up (and I'm pretty sure it will not be the folder from the current list). As I see it, you have 2 options.
1. (recommended) Move all your custom solvers to a folder which you have read and write access to as a regular user (e.g. mine are simply in $home/OpenFOAM/applications) and recompile everything.
2. change the ownership of the /opt/openfoam220 -folder so you can access and modify it as a regular user by typing (change $user in your real user name)
chown -R $user::$user /opt/openfoam220/
and recompile all your custom code again but as regular user (so don't dare to use sudo ;-)).
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Old   April 29, 2013, 12:05
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I think I now why did that happen. At first when I tried to run "wmake" it didn't let me. So first I ran the command "sudo bash", then I ran "wmake". I think that's why everything is so messed up right now.

Now when I open a new terminal and run "sudo bash" first, then the "waveDyMFoam" runs.

But I will fix everything with your first recommendation below:

1. (recommended) Move all your custom solvers to a folder which you have read and write access to as a regular user (e.g. mine are simply in $home/OpenFOAM/applications) and recompile everything.
Thank you very much for your time and help.

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Old   April 29, 2013, 12:15
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You're very welcome.

Now when I open a new terminal and run "sudo bash" first, then the "waveDyMFoam" runs.
This is indeed what I expected
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Old   April 30, 2013, 07:25
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Originally Posted by kilroy View Post

I think I now why did that happen. At first when I tried to run "wmake" it didn't let me. So first I ran the command "sudo bash", then I ran "wmake". I think that's why everything is so messed up right now.

Now when I open a new terminal and run "sudo bash" first, then the "waveDyMFoam" runs.

But I will fix everything with your first recommendation below:

Thank you very much for your time and help.


Sorry, couldn't able to reply your post. Anyways, Lieven answered your queries.

It's always preferable to install in root directory. As you don't need to call sudo bash when you run your solver.
Or, try giving permission (read and write access) to the user directory
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Old   April 30, 2013, 11:04
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Sorry, couldn't able to reply your post. Anyways, Lieven answered your queries.

It's always preferable to install in root directory. As you don't need to call sudo bash when you run your solver.
Or, try giving permission (read and write access) to the user directory
Tushar, thank you very much for your time and help.

I am still learning how to use Linux and this case is a very good experience for me to how to work with the environment.
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Old   August 30, 2018, 05:56
Default waveFoam not working
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Dear friends

I would be grateful if you could help with the above issue. I 've installed and compiled successfully (as it's seems to be done), waves2Foam across openFoam 4.0. I ve also done this, using openFoam 2.4.0 and 3.0.1. Everything seems to be ok when I m running a case, e.g bejiBattjes, except the solver wavefoam. In the log file i took back this message: /opt/openfoam4/bin/tools/RunFunctions: line 93: waveFoam: command not found. I tried a lot of thinks but still not working. I'm asking for your help

Kind Regards
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