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C++11 in OF

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Old   March 25, 2016, 16:49
Default C++11 in OF
Join Date: Aug 2015
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knuckles is on a distinguished road
I'm developing my own extensions to OpenFOAM and I'd like to user C++11 features. According to another thread [ ], OF3.0 is built with native support for C++14. That kind of agrees with the release announcement:
"The release benefits from improved compatibility between the C++ compilers of GCC (4.5+, tested up to v5.2), Intel ICC (15.0.3+) and Clang (3.6+, 3.7 recommended), in line with the ISO 14882:2014(E) Programming Language C++ (C++14) Standard. Over time, we expect to introduce new features in the C++14 Standard to OpenFOAM, paying attention to compatibility of older versions of C++ compilers used in long-term supported Linux operating systems for high availability computers where possible." [ ]
...however, when I try to use C++11 features in my code and compile with wmake, I get warnings and errors. I've grep'd through the source code... it appears that the "-std=c++0x" flag is set under some circumstances (which my code doesn't seem to fall under), and the '-std=c++1y" flag is never set. Reading the quotation above more closely, I don't think that they actually state that the code is compiled with C++14.

I know that I can make OF compile with a different C++ standard [ see , ], but I will be running my code on other machines where I'm not able to re-compile OpenFOAM myself.

Is there a trick that I'm missing - is there a way that I can use C++11 features in my own code and link to standard OF libraries? I've found that enabling C++11 for my own code without recompiling OF leads to problems at the linking stage, and I'm not able to re-compile OF on all of the machines which I will be using.
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Old   March 26, 2016, 13:55
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I've found the answer.
Additionally, this commit from Jan 23 [ ] enables C++11 support when compiling ThirdParty packages (e.g. paraview) which are not compiled with wmake. Presumably this change will also be reflected in future versions of OF (after 3.0.1).

I was able to make my own program compile with C++11 support in OF3.0.1 as follows:
  1. Backup $WM_PROJECT_DIR/wmake/rules/linux64Gcc/c++
  2. Add "-std=c++0x" (or "-std=c++1y" for C++14 support) to line 8 of the file from step 1
  3. wmake my own program without recompiling OF
I also assume that I could have also recompiled OF without issue, if I'd been inclined, but then OF 3.0.1 source doesn't use C++11 features so recompiling it shouldn't change the functionality of the resulting program. I had somehow gotten it into my head that there might be problems linking my program (compiled with C++11) to base libraries compiled without C++11, but this stack overflow question [ ] makes it clear that there should be no problem... and that's my observation (everything links and runs just fine).

For comparison, the method described at does not work for me.
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Old   March 26, 2016, 14:25
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Bruno Santos
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Greetings knuckles,

Many thanks for sharing!

I had seen this thread of yours earlier today, but I didn't have the time to test the following myself.
If you didn't need to rebuild OpenFOAM and you only had to update the respective c++ rules file, then you can simply make the following change in your application/library "Make/options" files:
EXE_INC = -std=c++0x \
    -I..... \
Namely adding the C++11 option to the "EXE_INC" line should do the same effect as modifying the rules files directly.

Best regards,
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Old   March 26, 2016, 17:05
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Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
Greetings knuckles, can simply make the following change in your application/library "Make/options" files:
EXE_INC = -std=c++0x \
    -I..... \
Namely adding the C++11 option to the "EXE_INC" line should do the same effect as modifying the rules files directly.
Thanks Bruno! I've given your suggestion a try. It's much easier, and it works perfectly for me.
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Old   July 11, 2017, 05:15
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Thien Xuan Dinh
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It is a late thank. But it is great help.
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