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Creating shortcut for HelyxOS

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Old   October 26, 2013, 07:33
Default Creating shortcut for HelyxOS
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I am very new to both OpenFOAM and linux. I have been using HelyxOS v1.0.3 GUI for OpenFOAM 2.2.1 on Ubuntu 12.04.

I have been trying to create a shortcut to the HelyxOS on my desktop instead of manually entering in the path every time I would like to open HelyxOS, and also because others (even less linux proficient than I) will be using it in the future.

One method I have been attempting to try is by creating a text file on my desktop as below:

[Desktop Entry]

I also made sure to "allow executing file as program" in the permission tab of the properties. The problem with this is that when I double click to open and click "Run in Terminal" the terminal will pop up for 1 second and then nothing will happen.

After this I then did more research and attempted to create a launcher from gnome, meaning.
gnome-desktop-item-edit --create-new ~/Desktop

which prompted me with:


which I filled out with:

Type --> Application
Name --> HelyxOS
Command --> /home/[User]/Documents/Engys/HelyxOS/v1.0.3/
Comment --> [None]

The problem with this is that it does not open HelyxOS from the terminal so I get the old
"Error loading VTK Librares" which also seems to happen if I try opening HelyxOS from the
folder itself with the terminal.

The only way I have been able to successfully run HelyxOS is by starting in the terminal:

>> cd Documents/Engys/HelyxOS/v1.0.3/
>> ./

Please help me understand what I am doing incorrectly.

Thank you

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Old   October 26, 2013, 12:46
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Bruno Santos
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Greetings UPengineer and welcome to the forum!

Many thanks for sharing this idea! Here's what I suggest and should fix the problem:
  1. If you are using OpenFOAM 2.2.1 from the Deb packages for Ubuntu, make sure you have got the symbolic link for "" ready to be used for HelyxOS:
    cd Engys/HelyxOS/v1.0.3/
    ln -s $MPI_ARCH_PATH/lib/ "ext/"
  2. Edit the script "Engys/HelyxOS/v1.0.3/" and change the contents from this:
    #!/bin/bash -x
    THIS_FILE=`readlink -f $0`
    THIS_FOLDER=`dirname $THIS_FILE`
    source $THIS_FOLDER/bin/launcher.conf
    launch "HelyxOS"
    To this:
    source /opt/openfoam221/etc/bashrc
    THIS_FILE=`readlink -f $0`
    THIS_FOLDER=`dirname $THIS_FILE`
    cd "${0%/*}"
    source $THIS_FOLDER/bin/launcher.conf
    launch "HelyxOS"
    This will ensure that the script is launching in a working OpenFOAM environment and that it's being launched from the correct folder (just in case ).
  3. Edit the file "Engys/HelyxOS/v1.0.3/bin/launcher.conf" and comment out the first export lines, namely by changing this code:
    THIS_FILE=`readlink -f $0`
    THIS_FOLDER=`dirname $THIS_FILE`
    To this:
    #THIS_FILE=`readlink -f $0`
    #THIS_FOLDER=`dirname $THIS_FILE`

And the rest is as you documented, namely for the desktop link!

Best regards,
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Old   October 29, 2013, 00:51
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Hello Bruno,

Thank you very much for your quick reply! I followed steps 1 through 3 as suggested. Fortunately HelyxOS appears to be working now from the Desktop without any library errors.

Unfortunately though I am unable to mesh in HelyxOS because I get multiple errors from HelyxOS for not being able to find blockMesh or snappyHexMesh as seen below in the terminal.

CASE: /home/kramer/OpenFOAM/kramer-2.2.1/run/New_Attempt
NP:   -1
/home/kramer/OpenFOAM/kramer-2.2.1/run/New_Attempt/ line 7: blockMesh: command not found
/home/kramer/OpenFOAM/kramer-2.2.1/run/New_Attempt/ line 8: snappyHexMesh: command not found

I have never experienced these errors before. I feel that it is due to not correctly following step 1 since I just copied and pasted without knowing what
$MPI_ARCH_PATH is. I do not know if you mean that specific path, or the corresponding path on my system.

Thank you again anyway. Once I get this issue solved navigating to HelyxOS will be a lot more convenient in the future. I really appreciate your time and help.


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Last edited by UPengineer; October 29, 2013 at 01:24. Reason: New problems
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Old   November 2, 2013, 17:27
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Hi Kramer,

The problem you're seeing is likely because you missed something in step #2, namely this line:
source /opt/openfoam221/etc/bashrc
This assumed that you have OpenFOAM 2.2.1 installed at "/opt/openfoam221".

Best regards,
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Old   November 2, 2013, 21:20
Default [Solved]
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Hello again wyldckat!

I had actually figured that out yesterday when I went back through each step that you had sent. It is functioning perfectly! I am very impressed with your knowledge on the software and C++ code.
Thank you for all your help.


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helyxos, launher, openfoam, shortcut

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