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CFX in queueing batch mode

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Old   June 24, 2009, 05:33
Default CFX in queueing batch mode
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Matthias1985 is on a distinguished road
Hi all together,

I am new at CFX and I have I question thats hopefully easy to answer.

I have a quad core cpu and I want to run the CFX solver on 3 of these 4 cores with 3 different serial runs. I have around 40 problems to solve and each of these problems needs around 4-5 hours. So I want to have scheduled runs, that I dont have to be at the computer to start a new run.

It would be even better if it is possilbe to automatically start a run when the one before is done. I checked the Ansys help and it says something about an option called "submit to PBS queue". To do this I need to edit a script called But I dont understand what to do there.

I am using a Windows Vista System and Ansys CFX 11 SP1.

Does anyone know how to answer my question? I would be very thankful.

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Old   June 24, 2009, 08:59
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice

You can use PBS or other similar software (I use PBS, but LSF, condor and sun grid engine are other options) but for simple stuff like what you describe I would not bother. Just write a batch script to run them all, much simpler and you don't need any additional software to do it.

To run a batch file in windows of multiple runs:
1) Fire up the CFX launcher, go tools/command line. This gives you a command line window. Don't use a normal windows one because it will not have the paths to the CFX executables in it.
2) Generate a DOS batch file. Something like:

cfx5solve -def Run1.def
cfx5solve -def Run2.def
cfx5solve -def Run3.def -initial Run2_001.res

etc, and call it something sensible - doruns.bat or whatever.
3) Make sure all the def, ccl, initial condition and all other necessary files are together in the directory.
4) Start the batch file by entering at the command line "doruns.bat".
5) Check that it started OK.
6) Go home
7) Come back tomorrow and admire how everything ran overnight.

Glenn Horrocks
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Old   June 24, 2009, 13:27
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Matthias1985 is on a distinguished road

thanks for the fast answer. It works. Thats great.

Have a nice day.
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